Influence of hydraulic loading rate on performance and energy-efficient of a pilot-scale down-flow hanging sponge reactor treating domestic wastewater

Journal: Environmental Technology & Innovation
Authors: Van-Tung Tra, Bao-Trong Dang, Quach An Binh, Quy-Hao Nguyen,Phuong-Thao Nguyen, Hong-Hai Nguyen, Thanh-Tin Nguyen, Thanh-Hai Le, Duc-Trung Le, Tomoaki Itayama, Xuan-Thanh Bui
IF: 5.32
Abstract: The hydraulic loading rate (HLR) is a vital factor affecting the biological attached growth processes. Herein, a pilot-scale down-flow hanging sponge reactor (DHS) with a capacity of 0.5 m3 /d was investigated under different HLRs (5.56 and 11.12 m3/m2 .d). The DHS reactor was operated at an organic loading rate of 1.2 kgCOD/m3 sponge.d. The results showed that COD removal attained 60.4 ± 11.4% at HRL of 5.56 m3 /m2 d while this removal increased to 78% during the steady stage of operating at HLR of 11.12 m3 /m2 .d. Total suspended solid (TSS) was moderately removed with the efficiencies of 69.7%– 75.6%. High NH+ 4 -N removal of 80% was attained during operation, indicated that the nitrification process was mildly sensitive to change of HLR. This proposed technology brings a beneficial economic in decreasing energy consumption. This study suggested a viable treatment solution of the DHS using natural air ventilation, which favors low-income areas.