Pollution reduction ecomodel for the sedge mats craft villages in the Mekong delta

Journal: Journal of Science and Technology
Authors: Le Thanh Hai, Tran Van Thanh, Le Quoc Vi
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to study and propose the ecological model to decrease pollution at the sedge mats craft villages in the Mekong delta – ones the most popular villages in Vietnam, especially in the Mekong delta area. These craft villages generate typical emissions such as exhausted gas from burning fuel, wastewater from the sedge mats dyeing and weaving process, wastewater from livestock farm, and solid waste. The model applied for case study at Mr Tam’s household in Dong Thap Province. The proposed eco-model focused on measures such as: (1) biogas tank (using residue pieces of solid sedge mats from weaving processing) supplied gas for burning the dyeing tank, (2) wastewater treatment system combining 3 components: innovative septic tank having upward flow thin baffles, anaerobic filter compartment, and bio-pond, and (3) composting area. The results of model demonstration show significant emissions decrease: 93% greenhouse gas (CO2 and CH4), 97% BOD5 in wastewater, around 30 kg/day biodegradable garbage are composted and used as organic fertilizers at the household needs (which increase family income of around 118 milions VND/year), low initial investment and operating cost, simple operating procedure,… which are favorable and applicable at the low income sedge mats dyeing and weaving at craft villages in the Mekong Delta area, Vietnam, and probably at other developing countries.