The Infuence of Drainage Spacing on the Deformation Characteristics of Transparent Ultrasoft Soil

Journal: International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering
Authors: Ya‑jun Wu, Jun‑peng Li, Yi‑Tian Lu1, Xu‑dong Zhang, Thanh Hai Le, Nguyen Xuan Quang Chau
IF: 0.5
Abstract: To explore the efect of drain board spacing on the vacuum preloading treatment efect, transparent soil material was selected to carry out indoor vacuum preloading model tests, and particle image elocimetry (PIV) technology was used to obtain the displacement feld inside the soil under diferent drainage spacing. In this paper, a mixed solution of amorphous silica fume, white mineral oil and n-dodecane was used to prepare transparent soil, and model tests of vacuum preloading transparent soil were carried out under drainage spacing of 200 mm, 300 mm, and 400 mm. The test results show that the displacement feld of soil with diferent spacing of drainage is obviously diferent. Obvious “concave” settlement will occur on the soil surface under 200 mm spacing, and obvious “W” type settlement will occur under 400 mm spacing. 300 mm is the best spacing of drainage; the range of the “soft soil zone” is small, and the uneven settlement of the soil surface is not obvious. According to the infuence range of a single drainage, the spacing of drainage should be reasonably designed to ensure the lap and connection of “soil piles” and improve the efect of vacuum preloading treatment.